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1. What has been the best thing about changing to muk colour for your business?
Answer: Having an all-in-one hybrid colour range and its ease of use. Having so many results from one tube is a game changer.
2. How has the changeover (to muk) positivity impacted the salon
Answer: It saves on space by not having to carry so many different product lines which means you don’t end up with dead stock sitting on your shelves.
3. What do you, your team and your clients love about muk colour results
Answer: We love that the Muk colours leave the hair feeling healthier and looking shinier than before their colour service. Muk colour also has the best grey coverage of any colour line I have worked with.
4. How have you found your experiencing dealing with the Muk team?
Answer: The Muk team have always been professional, friendly and very easy to do business with. Our Rep Anne is one of the best in the business and always goes above and beyond for our Salon.
5. What is your favourite muk electrical tool & why do you love it?
Answer: My Favourite electrical is definitely The MUK BLOW 3900 DRYER! The shine and the feel of the hair after drying with this infrared technology is amazing.